Testimonials Testimonials

Stories of hope. Words of thanks.

"Our Family is deeply grateful for your support and help. My husband has started rehab and is doing very well. We have paid the outstanding medical bills and can pay for rehab, as well as household finances. None of this would be possible without you."

"I cannot tell you what these checks mean to me, it gives me a life. I am 83 years old and do not work. You have helped my dearest husband rest in peace knowing that I'm taken care of, as I could not live on Social Security alone and don't know how I would manage without your kindness."

"You'll never know how thankful I am. You are saving my life."

"Your generosity has kept me, my wife, my 9-year-old daughter and my 12- year-old son safe in our home for another month. Without your help we would have certainly failed. I hope that when I get back on my feet, maybe I can donate time of some sort to your foundation to show my appreciation. God bless you and all involved.”

"It is with sincere thanks and gratitude for what you did for me. It made a major impact in not having to worry over medical visits and prescriptions. The foundation is the only reason I have kept my home and allowed me to concentrate on getting well."

"Words cannot express the heartfelt thanks that you have given to us in our time of need.Your generous gift will provide enough to pay for our son’s funeral expenses. Your kindness during our most difficult time is deeply appreciated."

"I just wanted to convey to The Aftermarket Foundation how truly grateful I am.The increase will help me pay my bills and will make my situation better. In these difficult economic times I feel truly blessed and I’m very grateful. I continue to keep all of you in my prayers."

"I would like to start by saying thank you!As you know the flood was a totally unexpected event that devastated our city. It has been a very humbling experience, one day it seems things are O.K. and the next thing you know you lose everything you own. With the help of your generosity and a lot of hard work and determination we will rebuild.”